1kg Gold Bullion Cast Bar


  • ZAR: R1,368,246.02


1kg Gold Bullion Cast Bar


  • ZAR: R1,368,246.02

Bullion | 999.9 Fine Gold

Price: From?á?ú56,839.92

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?ú57,083.77?áper unit

In Stock?á|?áShipping within 3 – 5 working days for orders to the UK.





This image provides the legal benifits when investing in gold bullion for examoke: VAT FREE
Benefits of investing in gold bullion.

The 1kg gold?ácast?ábar from The Royal Mint?ácontains 1 kilo (1000g) of 999.9?áfine?ágold. Itis available for free insured UK delivery or secure storage?áin The Vault ?«, The Royal MintÔÇÖs?ápurpose-built?áprecious metal storage facility. Each gold bar is imprinted with a unique serial number and?áThe Royal?áMintÔÇÖs?álogo.ÔÇ»All?áof our?ágold bars are VAT-free for non VAT registered private individuals.

How are bullion prices calculated?

The ‘buy’ and ‘sell’ prices shown on the website represent the market value of raw vaulted metal in an ‘unallocated’ form. This is the standard way prices are quoted throughout the bullion industry. In order for The Royal Mint to deliver beautifully crafted precious metals products to your address, or to our vault, a number of processes must take place, all of which incur a cost. These processes include transportation, refining, minting, quality checking and merchandising.

The price at which The Royal Mint is able to sell bullion products to consumers is therefore made up of the ‘spot price’ (the buy price) plus an additional premium. The premium accounts for the costs incurred in manufacturing a particular product and is usually either a percentage of the buy price or a fixed monetary amount. In short, manufactured bullion products always sell at a premium to enable retailers and manufacturers to cover their costs.


1kg Gold Bullion Cast Bar

Alloy999.9 Fine Gold
Pure Metal TypeGold
Pure Metal Content32.15 Troy Oz
PackagingVacuum Pack
Bar Size53 mm x 118.00 mm
Bar Thickness8 mm

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1000 grams




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1000 grams



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