Shopping Privacy

Shopping privacy has nothing to do with a private shopping network. Feedonomy is in no way restrictive, if anything we are inclusive. But, when it comes to tracking, and trackers. The truth is we swim in the same pond as DuckDuckGo. Feedonomy, will never track you. While those damn trackers live in your email account, and I bet you would be shocked to see that 99.99% of websites, platforms & Apps are full of trackers. Those huge tech companies, we all have our favourites and we want to believe Microsoft when they feed us with carefully, legally supervised sermons, how every cookie, tracker they dont use is only in our interest; to ensure we have the best time on their websites. Then carry one about their privacy organization, have you asked yourself why the little things on Microsoft browsers, and websites just seem out of reach. Almost like the design of their entire system that which includes cancelling or changing a subscription, or changing some new setting just seems wrong. Its fancy but once again it feels like the mandate to design have been purposefully to remain just out of reach. I remember reading a few pages, and by chance it covered ChatGPT How wonderful it is and its 100% free and how you can change the setting to suite your needs. Its a lot of reading, and understanding for every little system. I read enough to find out instead of having setting at default, they had been keeping everything, every single word I had written, let me stop before I get carried away. I could remeber struggling to stop Microsoft collecting all my content while preaching how much they respect our privacy. Eventually I found the section and managed to get a glimse of the content of their nets. Honestly, I was shocked, and horrified at myself, I could not beieve what I was reading and there must have been thousands of pages. It would scare me off but with a new Chat or setting that was introduced only to confuse and charm the consumer whiel hiding in plain sight they pushed harder until I figured it out, and I would not use their products again for a month or so. Then ChatGPT or whatever. It was impressive until the excitement wore off and I began to notice how cafefully this little robot had been brainwashed. Not able to answer some real simple questions when it may have something Microsoft. I am sure many of us asked the AI robot all kinds of questions. I could see my login at the top of the screen to the right and the constant request to login  and do this and that at least Google respect your time while they pilfer all your content. Microsoft, could not give a damn. I had only weeks before finally according to Microfits privacy something turned the switch off, not to stop them taking everything I had ever written or thought but at least some of that would cease. I ask them why typing on Word, and online say within the browzwe, a search a question is any differant than using Edge or Bing. Just because the search place has Chat or AI written there how is it possible that every single word, question everything typed supposedly private to a robot is now taken, just like before. I asked the 3.5 AI so smart it can write computer code how to delete a line just part of my question as I made an error the clecer robot had a mental breakown, literally beging me to forgive it and its only had a limited education. I said I am not asking you to dance, just to delete a sentence.   Back to square one, finally in one of a hundred pages of terms or whatever it was written something about heling the robot with its education. Instead of the odd paragrah sure it may be a AI chat robot but humans are stealing (Taking withiut my knowledge and or consent. The fact it may be hidden in a thousands poages or legal jargon makes them think they can do whatever they like. Some may say will they are not as bad as viliont gangs who commit murder once every six months. I disagree, in truth those murders besides the kid that overdoses, in almost every situation you will find a money trail. The bigger the money the bigger the crimes. Who is worse the younf adult with no parents brought up with gangs having to survive starts selling drugs. Its risky, even if he is lucky and is able to make enough money to survive. Sure, lets assume two or three users, the drug dealers clients overdosed and died. That is a bad criminal but compare the guy selling or making a few sales per day. Enough money hopefully just to feed himself and Richard Sackler, he may have inherited Purdue, maybe not who cares, but remember is is obviously a bloody idiot & arrogant thinking he coould get way with knowingly killing about one hundred thousand humans. If he took no active role as CEO unless he was actually retarted, he would obviously be aware that he owned shares in a company that continued, actually even worked harder, lying to employees, shareholders, the public the FDA all over the news mutiple criminal charges but they just paid a fine and continued knowingly killing so many of their own countrymen. Hiding behind the law. My point here is even those of us who beieve it is possible he was retared, and was locked away never seen a newspaper or TV. In other words even as CEO how could he possibly know exactly what he was doing this goes way beyond murder, and criminal charges. I tend to give everyone the benefit of not guilty; in this case if you followed the story, and facts you would no longer believe there was anyway he is not liable on any count. Did you know what is that pricks name? Roger or Dikkie Sackler was a medical doctor? So I ask you if the CEO has a masters in medicine, I am certain most of the other board members could not have understood as clearly, a sinister strategy on public TV claiming his drug was not addictive. It is I believe 150% or maybe only 50% big deal stronger than Morphine. Richard Sacklr a medical doctor trained salesgirls to force their ways into every GP’s office in their little skirt, handing out free samples by the box. The most of these docros, are human and believed most of what they were told. I drug was passed by the FDA. Docotors, unfortinitly are human and are busy. Maybe, did not have a few extra hours to read what was a fake insert also made by Richanrd Suckler. It was only when people began to die that GP’s decided to make the time as this is not the same drug given to them months earlier. Once the capsules content was analysed any or every medical doctor unless Jewff Sackler, was born a psychopath  a phycipath was horrified. But, the drig draler is sitting in prison Richard Suckler and his family could easily afford to pay a few hunded million or even a few billion (USD) Its quite easy to understand. Even I know if you have money, not a lot just more than the Suckler suing you, plus could keep paying the best legal minds; whos knees also give-in when Suckler flashes a bag of cash. Its not hard to understand. If you are one generation of the farm, literally like lighting, the little company or pharmacy with one till-point only almost surviving. They his parents managed to save and save their entire lives just to get their sun spelled correctly out of arrogance through medical school. Then it must be fun knowing all about these drugs, the pharmacist has some training but its more about working the discovery Claims website than actual medical training; covering viruses, and knowledge or the entire human body, I am guessing please help me if you can? All I am saying is you cannot blame the parent, its a lot like the law, it works if you and your peers think anyone who cannot keep up with the Cohen’s there is I imagine a graph  encase they forget if they must like, and accept the new neighbours. Before going tout to welcome them, quickly check the list. OK then sit them down and ask them where their vacation home is, that way you kill two birds with one stone. Find out if they have a vacation home and its location. IA few more questions and simple they are in or not.   cannot vas if anyoneit brings the lae to its knees. It we greed just greed and arrogance.  Purdue Pharma?
currently lives in another Boca Raton home, which he purchased for $1.71million in June 2021. S    more murders   having  have been strategically    No one will track you while you visiting, and shopping on Feedonomy, and our Feedbrowzer.  and  our consumers we are very centric. shoppers, browsers  ot to Trackers,  first, third  or 

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“Did you know that 93% of online buyers will search for you online before making a purchase? That means If you don’t have a strong online presence, you are probably losing business to competitors who do.”

If you look carefully, you will notice the more popular a product or brand the more listings you will find. Not advertisement we are talking about product listings.

BrowSearch-Feedonomy increases your online presence. BrowSearch-Feedonomy do not offer advertising. By listing your product ads your Google Ads (Free & Paid) Campaigns will improve.  Sellers pay no advertising costs.  FPC. (Free-Per-Click) Only.

Sellers pay no advertising or marketplace costs. Let Feedonomy optimize your product feed. Sellers upload your product feed file CSV. And you can add listings manually.

All sales take place on the seller’s website. Sellers costs are reduced by 15-35% as your product feed management and optimization are free. No agency fees or advertising fees whatsoever.

BrowSearch-Feedonomy recommended sellers pass their savings onto the consumer. While we cannot and would never try to force sellers to reduce prices, we will provide incentives making it a no brainer for sellers to pass most of their savings onto the consumer.

We do this by offering sellers equity in BrowSearch-Feedonomy as members of BrowSearch-Feedonomy (Co-op.) thus the first 500 sellers may receive an equal share (membership) of this platform, making the seller not only guaranteeing the seller that listing and selling remain free but making it possible for sellers to sell their membership to any other seller for a profit. Consumers, our privacy policy in a nutshell. We will never track you or collect any personal details. BrowSearch is pronounced Browse & Search.

Contact us for details: l Email:  BrowSearch-Rx (Co-op.) Medical Professionals & Pharmacies Email:

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