Who benefits: Own your own advertising network - Advertise Free! (See Below)


*Existing campaigns will not be affected!

At Browsearch-Feedonomy, we believe in creating an advertising network that is truly owned and operated by the advertisers themselves. This isn’t just about advertising products or services—it’s about building a community where equity is shared. Our goal is to empower sellers of all sizes, ensuring that no single company can dominate the platform or dictate policies for its own benefit. By sharing equity, we are building a system where advertisers not only grow their business but also own a stake in the network, protecting them from larger players taking over.

Browsearch-Feedonomy is pronounced ‘Browse & Search.’ We are more than just a platform for product ads—we are a free-per-click (FPC) advertising network. Unlike other platforms, we don’t charge success fees or monthly subscription costs for sellers. You own your listings, and all transactions take place directly on your website. Our goal is to help advertisers and sellers grow by providing free, effective tools to reach their target market.

With our community-driven model, sellers also have a voice in shaping the platform’s future. Policies and strategies are formed with input from our diverse advertiser base, ensuring fairness and transparency.

At BrowSearch and Feedonomy, we believe in a new model where advertisers and sellers are not just users of the platform but part of its foundation. Unlike traditional advertising networks, where companies pay to play, we offer free advertising, but there’s more—advertisers and sellers also have the opportunity to own equity in the platform.

This means that as sellers grow their businesses, they are also building ownership in the very network that supports them. Our unique approach ensures that all advertisers, regardless of size, are protected from unfair practices, as the platform’s policies are determined collectively by its shareholders—who are also its users. No single seller can dominate the network or skew policies for personal gain, as decision-making is shared, creating a level playing field for all.

By sharing equity with advertisers, we create a community-driven platform where the focus isn’t just on selling products but on creating long-term value. Sellers can build their businesses while growing their stake in the platform, and even sell their shares for a profit, just like with any other equity.

Our goal is to build an advertising network that empowers its users, ensuring their interests come first, not those of outside investors or corporate shareholders.

Feedonomy Merchant Center

The Merchant Center: Your Marketing HQ

The Feedonomy Merchant Center is where advertisers can create, manage, and optimize their product ads. Think of it as your central hub for all marketing and advertising activities. Whether you are listing product ads, writing articles, or publishing product reviews, it all happens here.

Product Ads

What are Product Ads? You can list product ads manually, just like on your own website or leading marketplaces. Feedonomy supports B2C, B2B, C2B, and C2C sellers, with a strong focus on B2B. We offer tools like ShopFilter—a taxonomy that helps classify your products and target specific markets. We even provide exclusive pages for B2B sellers and manufacturers by country, giving your business more visibility.

While you have control over the design of your product listings, we understand that manually listing 100 or more products can be time-consuming. That’s why Feedonomy supports bulk importing through CSV files. With our system, you can import hundreds or thousands of products in minutes, just like you would with Google Ads. You can also view your listings in real-time and access support if you need help optimizing your product feed.

If you don’t have a product feed CSV, don’t worry—we’re here to help you create one. Our feed management and optimization services are 100% free when you advertise with us. And like Browse & Search, our product ad clicks are free—no charges for each click (FPC).

Publishing Content

In addition to product ads, the Merchant Center allows publishers and content creators to post articles, news, and product reviews. Just like with product ads, you can publish content that drives readers and buyers directly to your website. All content published through Feedonomy is also FPC, ensuring that your audience can engage with your brand without additional costs.

We believe in empowering our advertisers, and that’s why Feedonomy provides access to tools like Google Analytics, though we recommend diversifying with other analytics platforms. We are also working on our own analytics tools to help advertisers reduce costs and maximize effectiveness.

Coming Soon

We are continuously expanding the features of the Merchant Center. Soon, you’ll have access to advanced data catalog systems, business intelligence tools, and new analytical features designed to give you deeper insights into your ad performance without increasing your costs.

In addition, we’ve introduced new post types for publishers who want to promote product reviews, news articles, and more. If you have a bespoke need, just let us know—we’re always open to suggestions.

Think of the Feedonomy Merchant Center as your Marketing and Advertising HQ.  You can create and manage your product advertising. You can also design and publish articles, and product reviews from your Feedonomy Merchant Center. This includes listing product ads. (Product Ads) What are Product Ads? You can list product ads manually just like you would add products on your personal website. Or if you adding products to a leading marketplace. If you sell B2C, B2B, C2B, C2C, but primarily (B2B) While we provide Shopfilters a Feedonomy Taxonomy enabling you to classify the type of product and your target market we also provide pages that are exclusively for B2B sellers, manufacturers by Country.  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

You have control over many aspects of design. However, if you have 100SKU’s it can take hours or days or weeks to do it properly. That is why Feedonomy enables you to list manually as you only need one or two listings in order to optimize your product feed csv. to Feedonomy. Just like you would prepare your product feed csv for Google Ads. Feedonomy works the same. In other words you can import 100, or 1000 SKU’s in 2 minutes. Feedonomy Merchant Center enables you to import you product feed csv. You can also view your listings in real time and you have Feedonomy standing by if you need any assistance to optimize your feedOr if you have not created your product feed we will assist you to create your product feed csv and like advertising on Browse & Search’ is FPC (Free-Per-Click) Feedonomy is there to assist you at no charge whatsoever. We are working on our FPC Analytics while Google analytics is integrated and free we don’t recommend you only use Google Analytics but that is another discussion. Publishers and content producers and online sellers can also post articles, news articles, product reviews and you can publish them directly from Feedonomy Merchant Center. As with advertising product ads; articles are also FPC (Free-Per-Click) In other words readers or shoppers find your product ad or article and click to follow your article to your website to increase readership. Product ads are clicked and the buyer is taken automatically to your URL (Link) of that product page in your website. All transactions (sales) take place from your website. All payments take place on your website. Your privacy policy, shipping, and terms as BrowSearch, Browse & Search, is not a marketplace, does not change success fees like a marketplace or monthly fee like selling on a marketplace, Browse & Search is a FPC (Free-Per-Click) Advertising Network. Feedonomy managers and optimizes product feed, instead of having to pay Feedonomics to manage your feed, when you advertise with Browse & Search, Feedonomy data feed management & optimization is 100% Free. 


using  with, be creative, experiment with new key words, change the description, and try adding some of Feedonomy taxonomies like Shopfilter. ShopFilter, assists search engines when web-crawling and indexing products, for example humans can sense if a product is B2C or B2B. This may sound obvious and for a shopping engine, a product-based search engine like BrowSearch, it is. While I am not getting into  product-based vs classical search engines here. There is a articles worth reading. It is not a simple algorithm, or a few lines of code lets just say a search engine like Google is brilliant and accounts for like 90% of general searches, but when you shopping or searching for commerce, products a a shopping engine that could not compare to Google if you ask a question or search for scientific papers or a search for the greatest PhD whatever. That gets to the second point with so much data even with unlimited amounts of power there are not enough hours in 24/7 to crawl, index the entire web; so when you cannot even name one scientist you dont need to bother archiving those pages no bespoke templates no hours spent looking for scientists all your time is spent seeking out products, B2C, B2B, online sellers, and you only need one template shopping archives. Check this article out Google Search Engine vs Amazon Shopping Engine Amazon.  search let s just say its more human than machine. In other words like a human being , but  and classical search engines.   pronounced ‘Browse & Search’     and you can upload or import your Product feed. Add products manually and import products in bulk via your product feed csv. You can also create your product feed csv. And use it on Feedonomy, Google Ads, Microsoft/Bing, & Facebook Ads. You can also publish articles, news articles, product reviews etc.

Think of Feedonomy Merchant Center as your Marketing and Advertising HQ. Currently you can create and manage your product ads. Add products manually and import products in bulk via your product feed csv. You can also create your product feed csv. Use it on Feedonomy, Google Ads, Microsoft/Bing, & Facebook Ads. You can also publish news articles, product reviews etc. Contact us anytime: help@feedonomy.com

Coming soon:

While we endeavor to incorporate all Data options and opportunities from within your Merchant Center. Data Catalog, Business Intelligence & Analytical systems. We will begin with new analytical tools as we believe from our investigations that using Google analytical tools can lead to increased advertising costs. These strategic goals have been integrated into the DNA of all Google Advertising products and services. *Publishing: 

We have included a new post-type for publishers, and promotional purposes, for example: product reviews, articles, news articles etc. In other words, if you want to publish ‘news articles’ to encourage readers to visit your publishing website or if a seller wants to promote a product via a ‘product reviews’ or ‘product news’ you can now use the form below to achieve this. Please contact us if you require any bespoke product-types, taxonomies, and or other features you only need to ask. Browsearch-Feedonomy BrowSearch is pronounced ‘Browse & Search.

Who benefits from increased adveretising costs globally.

Feedonomy is used to assist clients in managing their advertising campaigns and optimizing their product feeds. Feedonomy advocates for advertising networks like Google Ads and Microsoft/Bing Ads. However, choosing one as your Digital Marketing Partner shows a lack of understanding of the basic strategy of advertising networks. These advertising networks may be the go-to networks and even the most proficient option at this time. You may believe simply due to their reach it makes sense. But when formulating your medium- and long-term marketing strategy, is it in your best interest? A partnership with an organization that has at least some similar goals and/or strategic similarities. In other words, partnerships are usually based on two or more entities that would like to see a similar future. If you, as a seller, would like digital advertising rates to increase, and your strategy to make this a reality was to distract sellers by convincing them that it is their competitor or other sellers that are responsible for increased advertising costs – as, after all, it is your competitor you are competing against on every product listing. This leads to an emotional response, with sellers spending more on advertising to outbid their competition when the truth is it has nothing to do with your competitor but the supplier of advertising that is hell-bent on increasing advertising costs for the simple reason of profit. This business model has never been so lucrative.

We dont keep ypour details

We don’t track you - period.

We don’t follow you around with ads.

An image of a ghost a friendly ghost chasing what looks like a athletic women. In English it means Feedonomy does not track you or chase you around with adverts like gentiles with no respect write bullshit when I have enabled free content that can be published for human beings. these gentiles should be classified terrorists.
An image describing a complex system used by Facebook and Google to name a few.

We don’t follow you around with ads. “Did you know that 93% of online buyers will search for you online before making a purchase? That means If you don’t have a strong online presence, you are probably losing business to competitors who do.” If you look carefully, you will notice the more popular a product or brand the more listings you will find. Not advertisements, we are talking about product listings. BrowSearch-Feedonomy increases your online presence. BrowSearch-Feedonomy do not offer advertising. By listing your product ads your Google Ads (Free & Paid) Campaigns will improve. Sellers pay no advertising costs. FPC. (Free-Per-Click) Only. Sellers pay no advertising or marketplace costs. Let Feedonomy optimize your product feed. Sellers upload your product feed file CSV. And you can add listings manually. All sales take place on the seller’s website. Sellers costs are reduced by 15-35% as your product feed management and optimization are free. No agency fees or advertising fees whatsoever. BrowSearch-Feedonomy recommended sellers pass their savings onto the consumer. While we cannot and would never try to force sellers to reduce prices, we will provide incentives making it a no brainer for sellers to pass most of their savings onto the consumer. We do this by offering sellers equity in BrowSearch-Feedonomy as members of BrowSearch-Feedonomy (Co-op.) thus the first 500 sellers may receive an equal share (membership) of this platform, making the seller not only guaranteeing the seller that listing and selling remain free but making it possible for sellers to sell their membership to any other seller for a profit. Consumers, our privacy policy in a nutshell. We will never track you or collect any personal details. BrowSearch is pronounced Browse & Search. Contact us for details: https://browsearch.com/ l https://browsearch.com/shop/tele-health/ Email: hello@feedonomy.com BrowSearch-Rx (Co-op.) Medical Professionals & Pharmacies Email: rx@browsearch.com


We don’t track you in or out of private browsing mode.

We don’t track you - period.

“Boost Your Small Business with Google Ads!”

Ready to stand out online? Whether you’re new to Google or seeking better results, we make it easy. From simple Google Ads setup to optimizing your visibility, we’ve got you covered. Let’s make your business shine on Google!

Advertise on Google Ads with Feedonomy

Unlock the potential of Google Ads for your Solar, Back-up Power, and related products. Benefit from a free product feed optimization by Feedonomy. It’s quick, easy, and designed for businesses of all types. While adding products is user-friendly, our free assistance is here for those with little time or experience.


Unlock the Power of Google Ads for Your Small Business!

Is your small business struggling to get noticed online? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many businesses, whether due to limited time or technical challenges, miss out on the incredible opportunities Google Ads can offer.

Our Services:

  1. Google Ads Promotion: If you haven’t listed your products on Google, now is the time! We’ll guide you through the process, making it easy and stress-free.
  2. Optimization for Results: Already on Google but not getting the results you hoped for? Our experts will optimize your product feed to boost your visibility and reach.

Why Choose Google Ads?

  • Reach Your Audience: Even if you’re a small business, Google Ads puts you in front of potential customers actively searching for products like yours.
  • Easy and Effective: We understand small business challenges. That’s why we make Google Ads simple, even if you’re not tech-savvy.

Additional Listing Option: Want to maximize your reach? We offer an additional listing option to enhance your online presence further.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Let’s make Google Ads work for you!


Unlock the Power of Google Ads for Your Small Business!

Is your small business struggling to get noticed online? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many businesses, whether due to limited time or technical challenges, miss out on the incredible opportunities Google Ads can offer.

Our Services:

  1. Google Ads Promotion: If you haven’t listed your products on Google, now is the time! We’ll guide you through the process, making it easy and stress-free.
  2. Optimization for Results: Already on Google but not getting the results you hoped for? Our experts will optimize your product feed to boost your visibility and reach.

Why Choose Google Ads?

  • Reach Your Audience: Even if you’re a small business, Google Ads puts you in front of potential customers actively searching for products like yours.
  • Easy and Effective: We understand small business challenges. That’s why we make Google Ads simple, even if you’re not tech-savvy.

Additional Listing Option: Want to maximize your reach? We offer an additional listing option to enhance your online presence further.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Let’s make Google Ads work for you!

We don’t follow you around with ads.

“Did you know that 93% of online buyers will search for you online before making a purchase? That means If you don’t have a strong online presence, you are probably losing business to competitors who do.”

If you look carefully, you will notice the more popular a product or brand the more listings you will find. Not advertisement we are talking about product listings.

BrowSearch-Feedonomy increases your online presence. BrowSearch-Feedonomy do not offer advertising. By listing your product ads your Google Ads (Free & Paid) Campaigns will improve.  Sellers pay no advertising costs.  FPC. (Free-Per-Click) Only.

Sellers pay no advertising or marketplace costs. Let Feedonomy optimize your product feed. Sellers upload your product feed file CSV. And you can add listings manually.

All sales take place on the seller’s website. Sellers costs are reduced by 15-35% as your product feed management and optimization are free. No agency fees or advertising fees whatsoever.

BrowSearch-Feedonomy recommended sellers pass their savings onto the consumer. While we cannot and would never try to force sellers to reduce prices, we will provide incentives making it a no brainer for sellers to pass most of their savings onto the consumer.

We do this by offering sellers equity in BrowSearch-Feedonomy as members of BrowSearch-Feedonomy (Co-op.) thus the first 500 sellers may receive an equal share (membership) of this platform, making the seller not only guaranteeing the seller that listing and selling remain free but making it possible for sellers to sell their membership to any other seller for a profit. Consumers, our privacy policy in a nutshell. We will never track you or collect any personal details. BrowSearch is pronounced Browse & Search.

Contact us for details: https://browsearch.com/ l https://browsearch.com/shop/tele-health/ Email: hello@feedonomy.com  BrowSearch-Rx (Co-op.) Medical Professionals & Pharmacies Email: rx@browsearch.com

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