Step 1 – Create an account. (Below) on the right see ‘Register’ Add a *Username & Email address. Please, remember to Tick both boxes: ¹Apply to register as a advertiser? ²I have read and accepted the terms and conditions. Note: *Usernames cannot be changed. That’s it! You have created an account on Universal Advertising a Fediverse, Federated registered on Browsearch-Feedonomy. Note: If you only want to advertise (Publish) content… You are not required to continue to Step 2. The Universal Advertising (Fediverse) Browsearch-Feedonomy Advertising Application Form should open automatically! Step 2 – Advertising Application. We only require your Store Name. You can decide at a later stage to add more details. On the bottom left Click Send. If your application is not approved automatically. You will be notified by email with the results of your application.
Step 1 – Create an account. (Below) on the right see ‘Register’ Add a *Username & Email address. Please, remember to Tick both boxes: ¹Apply to register as a advertiser? ²I have read and accepted the terms and conditions. Note: *Usernames cannot be changed. That’s it! You have created an account on Universal Advertising a Fediverse, Federated registered on Browsearch-Feedonomy. Note: If you only want to advertise (Publish) content… You are not required to continue to Step 2. The Universal Advertising (Fediverse) Browsearch-Feedonomy Advertising Application Form should open automatically! Step 2 – Advertising Application. We only require your Store Name. You can decide at a later stage to add more details. On the bottom left Click Send. If your application is not approved automatically. You will be notified by email with the results of your application.
YOU CAN PUBLISH CONTENT BELOW WITHOUT CREATING AN ACCOUNT. T&C (Terms & Conditions) 1. Add A Post Title. 2. Include At Least One Image. 3. Complete Antispam Question: 1+1=? Answer: 11
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