This image for BrowSearch "Browse & Search" is so important for all online sellers! Imagine a world where every ad space is swallowed by the highest bidders, drowning out the small voices. That’s PPC advertising in full force: a machine designed not just to advertise but to dominate and raise prices as far as they can go. If this keeps up, we’re talking about a WW3-level disruption in small business economies. The monopolies will become the “Standard Oil” of our time, but on a global digital scale. I’m trying to keep a place open where little guys have a chance to compete, where ads aren’t priced to the moon just to keep the casino running.

Get started with Shopping Campaigns

Shopping Campaigns: The Basics.

Get started with Feedonomy Shopping Campaigns. We hope you make lots of mistakes. Mistakes are how we learn. You can write ads, publish them etc. The only thing you will not be doing is paying for those mistakes. In other words, learn the best way! We will assist you if you need to create your first product feed, need your merchant store home page designed or need a new taxonomy to list a product or service.

We do not have any no-reply email addresses.


To fully understand shopping campaigns, first make sure you understand ‘Product Ads’ andMerchant Centre’ Think of the ‘Merchant Centre’ as your dashboard or control room.  Your Merchant Centre catalogs, is simply Your Product Feed. Lets say you have 1000 SKU, or 1000 Product Listings. Merchant Centre Store. Think of adding all your products to a marketplace. In order to add products to the marketplace you would need to login to your ‘Merchant Centre‘ Store Products Ads are created from products in your catalog, and include custom images, pricing, and seller details. 

Get started

If you’ve never used Google or Microsoft Ads.  (Google Product Ads) No problem. Contact Feedonomy will assist you with your Product Feeds & Shopping Campaigns. Feedonomy is Always 100% Free.  Email:

If you’ve already familiar with Google, or Microsoft Product Ads. Go to Register Add a Username, Email Address & Password.

Your account is open. You will be redirected to the Application form. It is a long form with a lots of questions about your business. You can ignore everything except we need your: Store Name. Scroll down to the bottom of the Application and you will see A little box to tick. Next to it a button that saysApply to be an Advertiser” Click it. You will  Your application will be approved within 30 seconds thanks to AI. Note: If you would like to add more information about your online store, business or organization in order to promote your brand, products and services you can always change or add or delete details at any time. (Optional) We have added features like any high street marketplace may provide their partners.  The added features provided are not mandatory. entire marketplace like store and features are option.   organization add a logo etc. You can always do that at a later stage. It is also optional.    password Simply register with Feedonomy, and import your existing Google or Microsoft Product Feed. You can also Add, & Edit Individual Product Ads’ (Product Listings) Manually. Feedonomy, will still manage, optimize and distribute your Product Feed, and it is 100% Free.

Shopping Campaigns:

Import your shopping campaign from Google Ads

Import your Google Ads shopping campaigns just as you would a standard search campaign. Here’s more information on the import process.

Prior to importing, make sure your feed file is compatible with BrowSearch & Feedonomy. As with any new system. Sometimes a name or menu must be before not after. We will assist you if you need the help. I often advise users to load or add a listing (Product) manually. Besides getting a feel for how it works. You can really get creative and once you have the layout and wording prefect  around change the entire look of your listing. Once you have completed adding one or two individual listings. Export the file in CSV. Then compare it to your Product Feed and you will probably need to change a column or row whatever. Besides the fact you just created a completely new Product Feeds CSV you can import you existing Feed perfectly based on your export.  

Create a new Feedonomy Shopping Campaign to run in parallel with your existing shopping (Ad) campaign

If you already have product ads set up in BrowSearch or Feedonomy.   You can create a new Create a new Feedonomy Shopping Campaign that uses your existing catalog feed file. The new shopping campaign will not replace your existing product ad campaigns, but will instead be a new campaign that runs alongside the others. Here are the steps you need to follow:

First, update your catalog feed as necessary. Consider adding custom labels. For more information on custom labels. See: How is the catalog feed organized

If you are using Microsoft Advertising Labels and Microsoft Advertising groups for your product ad campaigns, you will need to switch these to custom labels in your shopping campaign. Consider using the improved 8ing and product categories. Here’s the full list of categories

Next, follow the steps for creating a shopping campaign. Because you are already using product ads, you have probably already completed the first three steps and will only need to complete step four.

Pay particular attention to the following settings in your new campaign:

Campaign Priority

Campaign priority handles cases where the same product ad could be displayed from multiple campaigns, such as from your existing product ads campaign and your new shopping campaign. The ad from the campaign with the highest priority will take precedence over the same ads from other campaigns, regardless of bids. Generally, you want to ensure your shopping campaign has a higher priority than your product ads campaign. If there are multiple campaigns with different priorities targeting the same product, the campaign priority still holds true—High takes precedence over Medium, which takes precedence over Low. However, if the product gets filtered out by any business rules, like location targeting, minimum bids, etc., the campaign priority is applied to the non-filtered product. For example, let’s say you have a High and Medium campaign targeting the same product, and this product is selected to serve. But after applying location targeting, the product from the High campaign is filtered, which means the non-filtered product from the Medium campaign will serve.

Campaign priority can also be useful if you want to create campaigns around specific events, like sales or promotions, without changing bids across the campaigns

Store ID

As you set up your shopping campaign, you will be asked to link your campaign to an existing store. Make sure to link your campaign to the correct store because you will not be able to change the store once you save your campaign. After that, the only way to link to a new store is to delete the campaign and start over.

Product filters

By default, all products in your Feedonomy Merchant Center store will be included in the campaign. Use product filters if you want to include only a subset of your products in the campaign. Once your shopping campaign is created, your final step is to create one or more product groups. 

Product Departments

New Departments



BrowSearch Product Categories

BrowSearch (B2B)